![]() In the last post, we talked about intuition, where it comes from and why it’s a useful tool to develop. If you missed the post, click here to check it out. One of the most valuable ways we can use our intuition is in decision making, and I’d like to share one of my favourite exercises, “Trying on a Decision”. ![]() Trying on a Decision is kind of like shopping for jeans. Most of us don’t take a pair of jeans off of the rack, look at them and say, “yup, these will look good!”. No! We take several pairs of jeans into the change room and try them on. Have you ever noticed how the jeans you thought would look great are not flattering, and the ones you thought were kind of ‘meh’, look fabulous? Good thing you tried them on, eh? The exercise: For illustrative purposes, let’s use the example from last time and say that we’re deciding whether or not to accept a promotion at work.
![]() Intuition – it’s become a “new age” catch phrase, and is often seen as being airy fairy. Yet, it’s a basic instinct and primitive tool that has been vitally important to the survival and advancement of the human race. In many ways, it’s a tool that the advent of logic and the need for proof has pushed to the side. I’m not saying that logic and proof don’t have a place I’m just suggesting that it’s important to make room for intuition too. So, what exactly is intuition? According to Wikipedia, "The word 'intuition' comes from the Latin word 'intueri', which is roughly translated as meaning 'to look inside'’ or 'to contemplate'”. Intuition is an inner source of knowledge, or a barometer of mental and emotional health. To access that inner knowledge, it’s important to let go of judgement – there’s plenty of time to analyze after you receive your intuitive message - trust and have faith. Why is it beneficial to tap into your own intuitive mojo? Intuition is an amazing tool. When we lived close to the earth, our intuition helped us to identify danger and alerted us to predators. Using that inner knowledge allowed us to survive. Now, we can see how intuition helps to keep animals safe. An example of a physical intuitive response is a dog whose hackles rise as he senses a threat. We receive intuitive information, signs and messages every day. The key to increasing your intuition is recognizing when you’re receiving messages, and acting on it.
There is a common misconception that intuitive information comes through with the clarity of neon signs and marques – thank you Hollywood! For some, this is true; whether it is something they are born with or have developed. For many, intuition is much more subtle and is often brushed aside or overlooked. So, it’s important to understand how messages come through. _Ah, it has been much too long since my last blog post. I shall have to manifest regular blog postings for the coming year! Manifestations have abounded these last few weeks! When you set your intention to create something in your life, it's important to continue to "work" towards it by putting your time and energy into bringing it to fruition. This week, I've been reminded that it's equally important to take time to relax and allow your creation the space to grow. Continuously hovering over a project won't bring it about any faster. _As many know, I wear a few hats: I am a Claircognizant Psychic and Angel Card Reader, Reiki and Energy Healing Practitioner and Teacher (this is what the HeavenLeeMessenger.com site is all about); and I am a creator of handcrafted soap, bath and beauty products (sold under SavonLee). Love and intuition have always been an integral part in the creation of my soap, bath and beauty products; in fact, one of my best sellers, the Bella Night Cream, came about as a divinely guided "mistake". Five years ago, when I began the transformation of turning both hobbies into full time careers, inspiration struck! I was guided to create a new *MetaphysicaLee* line of products _Hello and welcome! Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to read my humble blog. Please feel free to post comments, questions and your own insights. First of all, the first two posts on the site were taken from notes that I wrote on FaceBook. The first one - The Joy One Finds in the Most Peculiar Places was written in January after a particularly difficult few weeks with some anxiety issues. I didn't mention in the post about the wonderful session I had with Ted Yells of Energy In Harmony shortly after I wrote the note. He performed a TAT (Tapa's Accupressure Technique) session with me that was incredible. As a result, I plan to study the technique so I can share it with you! _Albert Einstein once said, "Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration".
I feel that this is true for developing intuition and increasing psychic abilities too. Many people get caught up in family lineage, history and generations, and believe that there are a select few who are psychic or have the ability to become psychic. This is not the case at all. Certainly, as with an aptitude for playing sports, there are some who are naturally more talented than others. But it doesn`t mean that someone who is terribly un-co-ordinated is not able to train hard and _So, the past week and a half, I've been having some crazy anxiety and panic attacks, (apologies to everyone whose calls and emails I haven't returned yet. You are loved and so important to me - I'll be catching up next week.). On Tuesday I had a whole swack of them and was just not functioning. I was visiting my parents, and in the late afternoon, had calmed enough to deal with a few odds and ends. Sitting in my dad's home office, I started going through the pile. One of the items was the Staples Catalogue that is sent out because of the business account I have with them for SavonLee and HeavenLee Messenger. I rarely ever order from the catalogue and canceling the mail out is on the long, anxiety inducing list of to dos. |
Erin Lee
On Psychic Readings"Erin has the ability to be compassionate and also give direct messages. That quality creates both a safe and receptive space. Her accurate visions are clearly channeled from pure benevolence." ~ J.C, Halifax, NS
On Weekly Video Readings
"Just loving these! I have been wanting to read a weekly horoscope of some kind but never find them reliable... What a gift it is for me that you share these insightful accurate readings!" ~ TM, Comox Valley, BC
Being Social |
Erin is a Psychic, Angel Card Reader, Certified Usui and Karuna Reiki Master/Teacher, Certified Emotion Code Practitioner and Certified Body Code Practitioner, located in Union Bay, in the Comox Valley on Vancouver Island, BC, Canada
HeavenLee Messenger - Copyright 2007-2021 Erin Lee. Site content can not be copied without express permission from the owner.
HeavenLee Messenger - Copyright 2007-2021 Erin Lee. Site content can not be copied without express permission from the owner.