Weekly Psychic Reading, August 26 - September 1, 2013, with Erin Lee
Holy smokes! It has been an incredibly intense week energetically! Lots of things coming up to be released. If it feels like your world was turned upside down last week, know that you weren't alone and that there is good news coming for this week!
Weekly Psychic Reading, August 19 - 25, 2013, with Erin Lee
It's that time of the week again! If you take nothing else from this week's reading, take away the message to DETOX! That came up so strongly as a theme for this week. In the reading, we spoke mostly about physical detoxification through food, but it's also a great week for emotional detoxification too. Messages for Monday and Tuesday were to Explore Your Options, flowing into Making a Decision on Wednesday and Thursday, followed by Asking for Help Friday, Saturday and Sunday. It's a great week for opportunity, but as always, listen closely to your intuition in making your decisions. An additional message came through around Friday, Saturday and Sunday after the reading was finished - it's a great time to spend time with friends and like minded people. Re-connect with your support groups or make new ones! Thank you so much for watching, liking, commenting and subscribing - you guys fill my heart. Lots of love and angel blessings! Erin www.VancouverIslandPsychic.com Weekly Psychic and Angel Card Reading, August 12 - 18, 2013, with Erin Lee
The Weekly Psychic Reading has arrived early this week! It's a week with a lot of forward movement, where things happen and fall into place. The theme for Monday and Tuesday is synchronicity; Theme for Wednesday and Thursday is about listening to your intuition and following the synchronistic events as they happen and Friday, Saturday and Sunday's theme is to move forward from a place free of fear. Last week I was guided to do a Romance Reading after the regular weekly reading. I had so much fun doing it, and my viewers were so encouraging with your response, that I decided to do a special Life Purpose Reading for this week. Thanks for watching, liking and commenting - your messages mean a lot to me. Much love and many blessings Erin Weekly Life Purpose Reading, August 12 - 18, 2013, with Erin Lee
There was such a great response to last week's Special Romance Reading, I wanted to do another this week! I was guided to do a Life Purpose reading this time. Your crystal choices are Tektite, Citrine and Angelite. This week's Psychic Reading showed that there was a lot of forward movement for the coming week, and this was also reflected in the Life Purpose reading too. It's ALWAYS a good time to make changes in your lifestyle that reflect living from your heart, and that message came through loud and clear! Thank you everyone for all of your likes, comments and shares. Each and everyone of you brighten my day! Wishing you a fabulous week and lots of love Erin Weekly Psychic Reading, August 5 - 11, 2013, with Erin Lee
We've got a pretty powerful week ahead! Beginning with a feeling of confidence and empowerment for Monday and Tuesday, flowing into faith and positive expectations through Wednesday and Thursday, and rounded out by new beginnings and opportunities for Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Wishing you a fabulous week! Thanks for watching :) Much love Erin Weekly Psychic Romance Reading, August 5 - 11, 2013, with Erin Lee
After recording this week's weekly Psychic Reading, I felt the need to do another reading, a ROMANCE reading! I haven't done one like this before, but it was a lot of fun. We had a few blooper moments which really keep things lively, hehe. At the start of the movie, choose a crystal, Jet, Aquamarine or Azurite and enjoy! Thanks for watching - I hope you have a fabulous, ROMANTIC week! Lots of love Erin |
Weekly Psychic Readings
![]() Each Sunday, I post a weekly forecast reading. Receive guidance and information about the coming week so you can continue to live a healthy and balanced life!
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On Psychic Readings"Erin has the ability to be compassionate and also give direct messages. That quality creates both a safe and receptive space. Her accurate visions are clearly channeled from pure benevolence." ~ J.C, Halifax, NS
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"Just loving these! I have been wanting to read a weekly horoscope of some kind but never find them reliable... What a gift it is for me that you share these insightful accurate readings!" ~ TM, Comox Valley, BC
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